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., as well as Bid and Proposal (B&P) costs.Somecompanies include these costs as overhead or burden.The breakout of costsinto different categories is an accounting function and is usually standardizedwithin the type of industry in which you operate.IEEE See Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.Independent Research and Development (IR&D) Usually an in-house Re-search and Development (R&D) program funded by the company.When thecompany funds this research, all results are the property of the company andare usually patented.In-Process Review A review, frequently informal, that is conducted while aproject is in process and before a major formal review.GLOSSARY 209Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.(IEEE) A nonprofit,technical professional association of more than 377,000 individual members in150 countries.The IEEE is a leading authority in establishing and maintainingconsensus-based standards in electrical and electronic industries.International Standards Organization (ISO) The ISO, established in 1947,is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from some 140 coun-tries, one from each country whose mission is to promote the development ofstandardization and related activities in the world resulting in internationalagreements that are published as International Standards.(Paraphrased fromthe ISO Web site.)Lessons Learned A conference, or simply a report, at the end of a project toreview the situations that occurred during the project and their impact on theproject and how the situations could be avoided or cured in the future.Liquidated Damages An amount stated in a contract, which the partiesagree is an estimation of damages owed to one of the parties in the event therehas been a breach by the other.(From the Plain Law Dictionary by MedbookPublications and Parsons Technology, Inc., 1997.)Materials Items where the Specification is determined by the vendor.Youare buying to the vendor s Specification, not yours.Milestone Review A review of the milestones in the schedule against workaccomplished.MIL-HDBK Military HandbookMIL-SPEC Military SpecificationMIL-STD Military StandardMission Statement A statement of an action for the organization to takeand a positive outcome of that action in one sentence.As an example, Abra-ham Lincoln s mission: To preserve the Union.Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) A four-character designator derivedfrom a four-pair, eight-character set resulting in sixteen combinations thatrepresent a type of person (or later a company).Originated by Isabel Myers210 BLUEPRI NT FOR PROJECT RECOVERYand Katherine Briggs.Example: An ENTJ is an Extrovert (as opposed to anIntrovert), INtuitive (as opposed to Sensing), Thinking (as opposed to Feel-ing), Judgmental (as opposed to Perceiving) type of person.NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration.Negotiating Team See Requirements Definition Team.Negotiation Envelope Predetermined limits to which the Negotiating Teamcan negotiate.Usually includes scope, schedule, cost, and manpower.On the Job Training (OJT) Informal training provided on the job by othersinvolved in the same category of work.Out-of-Tolerance A measured parameter that is beyond its nominal value,plus or minus a percentage of that value that is the allowable range in whichthat parameter may operate.PERT See Program Evaluation Review Technique.Profit and Loss (P&L) The result of a contract beyond cost.A contract thatreturns money beyond all costs is a profit.A contract that costs more than itsincome is a loss.Profit and Loss (P&L) Responsibility Responsibility assigned to a programmanager for operating the program and returning a profit to the company.Program Advisory Council A special-purpose management team that ad-vises, but does not manage, the project or program team.The Program Advi-sory Council acts as a transparent link between the project team and manage-ment and the customer.Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) A scheduling system char-acterized by linking together the longest string of events to create a criticalpath.Program Manager The same as a project manager, except a program man-ager has P&L responsibility and manages a contract with a customer outsidethe parent organization.GLOSSARY 211Program Office See Project Office.Programmatic Those issues associated with the management of a project orprogram.Such issues include budget, schedule, etc.Programmatic issues areseparate and distinct from technical issues.Project Manager The individual responsible for managing the entire projectinternal to the parent company.Project Meeting Same as team meeting.Project Office The group of people and functions that surround the man-agement of a project or program.These functions are usually those performedby the project manager, the administrator, and the scheduler, as well as thesecretarial function.Sometimes the chief engineer is considered as a part ofthe Project Office.Project Review A review of project activities as defined by the Enterprise.Usually consists of a review of cost, schedule, and technical status at the projectlevel and with project personnel in attendance.Usually held before a Divisionor higher level review to iron out issues.Projectized A project or program that essentially stands alone within anorganization.The projectized organization contains all the line functions nec-essary to meet the requirements of the task or contract.Staff functions such asfinance and human resources are usually not included although they may bein extremely large projects or programs.Prototype A nonproduction build of hardware or software generally used totest concepts and/or content and/or interfaces.Older terms, still in use in someplaces, are Breadboard and Brassboard.This term is sometimes extended toinclude the First Article (see above) of a production run.Prototypes shouldnot be deliverable.Purchase Order (PO) A document used to commit project, program, orcompany funds to a certain purchase.The PO must contain the item, thevendor, the price, and the delivery date.Other contents are at the option ofthe company.212 BLUEPRI NT FOR PROJECT RECOVERYReengineering The common form of Business Process Management (BPM)used to establish standards for process design, deployment, execution, mainte-nance, and optimization.Request for Proposal (RFP) A request issued by a customer for a full re-sponse from companies.This usually means the response must include a Tech-nical Section, a Management Section, and a Cost Section.RFPs are usuallyissued for complex requirements.Request for Quotation (RFQ) A request issued by a customer for a limitedresponse from companies.This usually means a limited Technical Section (ifany at all) and a cost for the item.RFQs sometimes require cost back up (the rationale for the cost)
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