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. I m sure youare.It s unbelievable. She pulled back to meet his gaze, still obviously interested inwhat they d done. I think I Saw what you wanted me to See, but maybe not exactly asyou thought I would.Maybe I Saw the part that was most charged with your emotions.More important, though, is I can drop my shielding on purpose.I guess it makes sensethat since I put them up, I should be able to take them down at will.But I ve spent somuch time with my shields constantly in place that I ve always wondered if I could justdrop them like that.Jake blew out a breath. All right.So there s no doubt about your ability.First thescene with my mother, now this. He rubbed his eyes as exhaustion swept over him. Ithink it means you can do what you say you can. He decided to give her an explanationhe d never given anyone.He wanted her to understand, wanted someone to finally know. My mother killed my father because he was going to leave her.She held up a hand. You don t have to tell me this. No, I want to.It s something that I would have needed to share with you.Mymother served thirteen years in prison for killing him.I haven t seen her since. The achethat rode in his chest blossomed into full pain as he hauled his childhood terrors out ofthe place he d hidden them.She blinked. Don t you want to?He jerked away, even though she hadn t tried to reach for him. No. There was nodoubt in his mind and he was surprised there was some in hers. I have no desire to seeher or have a relationship with her.She ruined three people s lives that day and I don tever want to talk to her again.She calls me once a month and I hang up when I hear hervoice on the phone. Don t you want to forgive her? Her green eyes held sadness.Old rage filled him, making his hands curl into fists. Forgive her? What she did wasunforgivable.I won t help her sleep at night by giving her the absolution she s looking for.She was silent for a long moment and he wished he knew what she was thinking. You re right, I guess.But if I had a mother who cared enough to call me every month, Iwould be ecstatic. Your mother doesn t call you? She hasn t talked to me since my college graduation, which she didn t attend. Why?She leaned over to him to make her point. Because I m a thief, Jake.Because I stealpeople s memories.Because I m a freak, a little witch, and she doesn t want a damnedthing to do with me.She hasn t touched me since I was fifteen. Why not? Jake could hear the pain and bitterness in her words.He fought downthe desire to pull her close and comfort her.He wasn t ready for that yet. Because she had warned me before not to steal her memories, but I made themistake of telling her that I d Seen them again. She believed you had visions? Of course.You tell your mother these kinds of things when you re young andstupid.Gran warned me I shouldn t tell her, that I should keep my mouth shut after thefirst time.But I was too stupid to listen.I was mad at her when she didn t allow me to goto Pam Hardell s birthday sleepover.I wanted to get my mother back, so I opened my bigmouth and told her I knew she had slept with Mr.Johnson again.That s what we arguedover the first time.She d cheated on my father with my choir teacher.Now that I molder, I think it s because she felt such massive guilt about what she d done.Then myfather left her for another woman, so I guess he was cheating on her, too, but I didn tknow that at the time.I should have felt sorry for her.Instead, I slapped her in the facewith it.Susan was silent for a full minute and Jake groped for something to say.He wantedto tell her how sorry he was, to tell her he was glad she d shared her secrets with himfinally.But then she continued. She never physically touched me again. Her voice droppedto a whisper. She just married Mr.Johnson and didn t even invite me to the wedding.His heart went out to her. God, Susan.I can t believe it.What a bitch. Oh, come on Jake, admit it! You don t want to touch me either.He laughed but not because he thought it was funny. You re wrong, Susan.I dowant to touch you. He locked his hand around hers to prove it.He struggled to give heran answer that made sense, but then settled for truth. You re going to have to give mesome time to think about this.I m not sure I can work this out tonight.Three bodies inless than a week means that I need to concentrate on solving these crimes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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