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.; the freedom of individuals and peo-ples, in all its expressions& ».So that s Paul VI s idea of peace: a  new spirit , a  newmind , and a  new pedagogy.And here are the  foundations : togive a  new ideological education.«Peace is the logical aim of the present world; itis the destiny of progress& There is need, to-day& A new ideological education, educationfor peace& Let us realize, men, our brothers,the greatness of this futuristic vision, and let uscourageously undertake the first program: toeducate ourselves for Peace»73.And furthermore:«Before being a policy, peace is a spirit& Itforms, it takes hold of the consciences, in this73Peace Day Message, November 30, 1969.82 philosophy of life each has to build for himself,as a light for his steps upon the paths of theworld and in the experiences of life.Thatmeans, dearest brothers and sons, that peacerequires an education.We affirm it, here, bythe altar of Christ, as we celebrate the HolyMass»74.The light, therefore, guiding man s steps, is no longer the Christwho said: «I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shallnot walk in darkness»75: it is no longer this  philosophy of life ,Paul VI wanted.Said he, in fact:«One must succeed and banish war; it is humanconvenience demanding it»76.Hence man should repress vengeance, sacrifice his egoism, con-vert his hatred, in the name of this  human convenience demand-ing it.Downright ludicrous!And yet, Paul VI insists:«Although difficult, it is indispensable (howev-er), to acquire an authentic conception ofpeace& Peace is a most human thing.If weseek from where it really comes, we discoverthat it sinks its roots in the loyal sense of man(!!).A peace that is not born of the real cult ofMan, is not essentially a peace»77.That s it!  True peace would thus be coming from the  Cultof Man !74Peace Day Allocution, January 1, 1970.75John 8, 12.76Peace Day Allocution, February 1, 1970.77December 16, 1971.83 «We wish to give meaning to our lives.Life isworth the meaning we give to it, the directionwe impart to it, the end we direct it to.What isthe end? It is peace.Peace is a beautiful thing,yet difficult& It is the fruit of great struggles,of great plans, and, most of all, it is the fruit ofjustice: If you want Peace, work for Justice»78.But if peace is founded upon justice, what is justice founded up-on?«Minds must be disarmed if we effectively wishto stop the recourse to arms which strike bod-ies.It is necessary to give to peace, that is to sayto all men, the spiritual roots of a commonform of thought and love& This interiorizationof peace is true humanism, true civilization.Fortunately it has already begun.It is maturingas the world develops& The world is progress-ing towards its unity»79.What an illusion, poor Paul VI! Is, perhaps, the  world march-ing toward his unity today? Wars are up, conflicts have intensi-fied, and guerrilla warfare is bloodying the population&And then, that his  common denominator that provides a common way of thinking and loving , to him it would no longerbe the Gospel of Christ,  Way, Truth, and Life 80, but that  civi-lized conscience that would make the  Charter of  Man sRights rule anywhere.«& What is our message? We need, above all,the moral weapons, which give strength and78Peace Day Allocution, January 1, 1972.79Peace Day Allocution, February 1, 1975.80John 14, 6.84 prestige to international law; the weapon,starting with the compliance of agreements»81.Now, once again Paul VI gives pre-eminence to human means.Let us go back, therefore, to his incredible address of October 4,1965 at the United Nations [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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