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. Bring me another? He ll have a beer, Daws put in.He gave Chip a glare, daring the man to contradict him. Back off, man. No.I won t.Deidre wisely disappeared.He hoped she d be just as smart in bringing Chip his drink,making it that beer he d ordered and not another whiskey. I m not playing games with you. Those blue eyes were snapping, firing furiously. I m not playing either, Chip.I m deadly serious, and you re going to pop a vein if youdon t let go of some of that hate and hurt and guilt and anger wrapped up inside you. He knewwhat he was talking about; he d seen more than one man implode from the stresses of the job. I was playing hen to your rooster when my partner needed me.  You were on a fucking day off.So was your partner. He was not letting Chip blamethis on anyone but the man responsible for it the fucking killer. Besides.Seems to me therewere two roosters there. What he did what they d done that had nothing to do with onepartner being in any way girly. I know.Just& I m not in a place to be reasonable, okay? I don t want to pick a fightwith you. The words were handed over carefully, like Chip was just barely keeping himselffrom exploding.Dawson met Chip s gaze, answering just as seriously. I m offering you a place whereyou don t have to be reasonable. I can t do that.I need to work this case. What does the Captain have to say about that? No way had the Captain sanctioned this.Chip was far too close to the case. I don t give a shit what he says, Chip snarled, eyes flashing. The fucker tells me he sgetting me a new partner? Not fucking likely.Deidre came back with a beer for Chip and their burgers.She set them carefully on thetable. You boys need anything else, you let me know. Thanks, honey. Chip smiled at her.She nodded. I m sorry about Sam.We all are.He was a nice man. Thanks, Deidre, Dawson said softly. Can you put all this on my tab? I ll settle up withyour dad at the end of the week. Dawson wanted to be able to hustle Chip right out of herewhen they were done eating and not have to worry about paying up. You got it. Thanks. Dawson gave her a nod and turned back to Chip. Eat up, man.I get thefeeling you need the protein.Chip picked at his food, and sucked down his beer, the look of the man pure defeat.Thatsettled it; Dawson was taking Chip home.The situation sucked.The whole thing sucked, butChip wasn t at fault, damn it.And the man needed to let go.Dawson ate his own burger quickly, needing to be ready to split when Chip was.Chip looked at him, finished his beer. I need another one.You see Deidre? No, I m taking you home.I have beer in the fridge. Though it wasn t beer that Chipneeded.  Home? Chip looked at him. This isn t a good idea, man. It s what you need, baby.If you re done, let s go. This isn t a good idea, Chip repeated the words slowly, carefully. I disagree. I need another beer. I said I had some in the fridge. He stood up and grabbed Chip s arm. Come on, man. Okay.Damn it.I m just& I m not in the mood, man.Dawson led Chip out. For the beer in my fridge? For anything. Chip was so fucking tired he wasn t there. You don t have to do anything, man. Dawson put Chip in his car and went around,started it up.Chip stared at him.Just stared. We ll be there in a jiffy, he promised. I need to get back to work. I don t think so. Dawson kept driving.Chip needed to let go, and he needed to sleep.Despite everything, Dawson couldn t help thinking about Chip, over and over, fantasizing aboutthe man on his knees.He pulled up at his place. Come on in. Okay. Chip slid from the seat, crossing the street to Dawson s house.Someone knewwhere Dawson lived.Interesting.Had Chip showed up before? Looking for him, for help? The thought warmed him, deepdown.It meant he d done the right thing, bringing Chip here if the man knew instinctively thiswas where he needed to be.Dawson unlocked the door and let Chip in. You want that beer, or you ready to let go? I can t let go. I can help you with that.Chip looked at him, eyes just devastated. I can t do it, do you understand? I do.But you don t.Come on. He grabbed Chip s arm again and led the man to thebedroom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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