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. Don Rose Show. Smallpox, ifyou don t know, was officiallyeradicated in 1979.Only twostores of Variola major andVariola minor exist in theworld.In Russia and at theCDC in Atlanta.We watch forit, but unless someonemanages to cook up a batch,smallpox is under lock andkey.And for good reason.Smallpox is one of the badboys.It has a thirty-five percent mortality rate. How would one of thesebioagents likely be spread?Agent Bell asked. Could be person-to-person.Could be food- orproduct-borne.But that wouldbe a slower process, albeitunsettling.For your terrorbang for the buck, I expect therelease would likely beaerosol.Probably from asealed metal container carrying it in liquid form witha propellant to help it getatomized.Nikki asked,  What sizecontainer? In a dense populationcenter like this? We re talkingmere gallons. As the needle-in-a-haystack implicationssunk in on all of them, headded,  Also, any part of NewYork City exposed to a massrelease would be shut down and quarantined indefinitely. So we know the ugly,said Callan, turning to hisDHS intelligence coordinator. How bad s the bad? Bad about says it,answered Agent LondellWashington.He looked to bein his late forties, butsleeplessness and stress hadadded ten years.You aged fastin this business. We veramped up surveillance since this landed in our laps.We releaning hard on all ourinformants and undercoveragents.Nothing.We vetracked movements of allknown and suspected terrorlikelies on our Watch List tosee who s gathering, who sbecome suddenly active, andwho s gone underground.There s no anomalousbehavior.We re monitoringphone calls, e-mails, chat rooms, Tweets, taxicab two-ways, even Love Line recorddedications on the radio Ikid you not nada.All thejihadists and ideologues areacting to pattern; there s nochatter like we usually getbefore an event, no spike insick days among employees atthe power plants, trainstations, and so forth.Rook said,  Maybe it s notideological.  Then what? asked thebow tie, the professor notsounding so eager to heartheories from a hack with avisitor s badge.Undaunted, Rook replied, In my work I ve met warcriminals in The Hague,guerrilla fighters, cat burglars,even a former governor with afetish for over-the-calf socks.People who go out of boundsdo it for a lot of reasons. Subtracting zealotry, theirmotives usually go to revenge,ego, or profit.My ex-KGBfriend always says,  First,follow the money. Now, hestole that from Woodward andBernstein, but you get theidea. With all due respect, saidthe professor,  I don t buystateless terror.This has to bea government-sponsored plot.With all the logistics and expensive players like TylerWynn and his crew, who elsewould have the financialwherewithal to fund it? Myintel points to the Syrians.Callan tossed his pen on hisblotter. So after all this, we restill three, maybe four daysout, and have nothing to goon. Perhaps we can go at this adifferent way, said YardleyBell, addressing Cooper McMains, the head of theNYPD counterterrorism unit. Commander, can you rundown your top targets ofopportunity? Certainly.For this type ofstrike, the high-value targetsare population-rich, symbolicvenues.So, in no particularorder: Times Square, theEmpire State Building, GrandCentral, Penn Station, UnionSquare, SoHo& and, of course the ballparks.And,since we re talking aboutSaturday or Sunday, I d addCentral Park.Weather ssupposed to be good, it sgoing to be packed. Thank you, said Bell.Shegot up and went to the LEDboard at the head of the tableand stood beside the list oftargets, which had beenbulleted on the screen asCommander McMains spoke.  Detective Heat, you have aspecial connection to this case,we all know that.And thisincludes some persons ofinterest you developed fromsubjects your mother hadunder surveillance years ago.An odd sensation passedthrough Nikki.Theacknowledgment of herefforts felt supportive, yetlaced with a mild wariness thatthe recognition came from Yardley Bell. Maybe insteadof sitting here dead in thewater, listening to the clocktick, we could examine someleads you developed.Tell usabout a Jamaican immigrantby the name of AlgernonBarrett. Barrett was on my shortlist of murder suspects beforeI determined who mymother s real killer was.However, I ve revisited him in the past few days and hedoesn t add up for me as partof this terror plot. Interesting. Agent Bellstrolled back to her place atthe table, walking the roomlike a TV lawyer making asummary to the jury [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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