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. Baby&.The whispered words and Alexei s heartfelt groan encouragedPatrick to repeat the caress, pinching lightly at the peaked flesh.Thesewere a lover s caresses, he reminded himself, not something Alexeiwould have endured in prison, and that made them safe.Feeling bolderwith that silent reassurance, he lowered his head and licked at themlightly, sucking first one, then the other nipple into his mouth. Malysh, he repeated, letting the word roll off his tongue. I like it. I like it too, Alexei responded, tangling a hand into Patrick shair and guiding his mouth back for more of the seductive sensation.His cock was pressing so hard against his slacks it was almost painful,and he moved Patrick s hand downward to cover the thick bulge,groaning in relief when the fingers curled around him. Da, he rasped,his hips rocking up into the touch,  da, Patya.Patrick almost balked when Alexei moved his hand lower, but hislover s obvious pleasure overcame his qualms.He stroked the hardcolumn through the fabric, lifting his head again to watch the olderman s face.He couldn t do this without that reassurance.His own cockjumped at the thought of welcoming the heavy length inside him again,and he shifted restlessly, the motion suddenly aborted when his ribsprotested.He cursed under his breath and collapsed back to the bed.At Patrick s gasp of pain, Alexei pushed onto an elbow, his eyesflying to gauge the younger man s expression. Too much? he askedin concern, his body protesting the loss of Patrick s touch but ready tostop if their lovemaking was more than the abused body could bear. I just moved the wrong way, Patrick hastened to assure him, notwanting Alexei to perceive his withdrawal as a rejection. Just give mea minute.I ll be all right.The words echoed painfully in Alexei s mind, the memory of howhe had pushed Patrick away the night before shaming him.Vowingagain that he would do nothing to hurt his lover, emotionally orphysically, Alexei encouraged Patrick to rest on his back and carefullystraddled him, taking care that none of his weight pressed againstbruised flesh.The position exposed even more of his body to hislover s reach, and he was quick to draw Patrick s hands back to hischest, inviting them to stroke lower, following the planes of hisabdomen to the waistband of his trousers. The invitation was too clear to misunderstand, so despite hislingering concerns, Patrick let Alexei guide his hands, regretting thelost innocence of their relationship.He shook his head at the irony ofthat thought there had been nothing innocent about their interactionsfrom the moment their eyes met but there had been a lack ofinhibitions, and that was gone now, replaced by nervousness.Therevelations of the day before didn t change the way Patrick felt aboutAlexei he d already realized nothing could change his emotionsexcept perhaps to make him love the other man even more but theydid influence the way he acted.Alexei had been hurt enough.Patrickrefused to add to it.Patrick didn t resist the guidance of Alexei s hands, but neitherdid he move beyond trailing his fingers over the lines of muscle thatdefined the vor s hard stomach.Alexei couldn t help but contrast thisawkward tension with the near-violence of their first times together.That Patrick would have had Alexei s slacks torn off and his cockhalfway down his throat by now.Yet despite all the intervening painsince then, Alexei would not wish back those early days, not when heknew now how much more there was to his lover than just a delectablebody not when he was beginning to believe in what they felt for eachother.Regaining the ability to feel again was worth the initial pain.Bending forward, Alexei held his weight on his arms at either sideof Patrick s chest, feathering bare touches of his lips over each markthat marred the perfect flesh.Tightening his leg muscles, he pushed hiships upward, giving Patrick s hands more room to move. Pozhaluysta, he whispered against his lover s heart. Patya, touchme.Patrick s grip firmed where his hands rested against Alexei ssides. I want to, he replied in a whisper of his own,  but I m afraidI ll hurt you again.Alexei s lips lingered over a darkened bruise spanning severalribs where something, a ring perhaps, had broken the flesh. You areone hurting, he murmured with regret, his determination growing togive his lover such pleasure as would drive away all his pain. Not that kind of pain, Patrick retorted gently, smoothing hispalms over Alexei s cheeks, urging him to look up so their gazes met. I don t want to hurt you like I did last night. Steel-gray eyes searched liquid brown ones for a moment; thenAlexei lowered his forehead to rest against Patrick s. Only way youcan hurt me is not to touch me, he asserted, the words vibratingagainst Patrick s lips.Patrick s hands still trembled slightly as they stroked lower, buthe tried to take Alexei at his word, loosening the belt and unfasteningthe trousers.The familiar black silk boxers came into view, the sightamusing him suddenly. I m going to buy you a pair of bright yellowshorts, he declared with a brief chuckle [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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